Sidewalk Chalking Policies

Please click here to see the map of appropriate chalking locations. As with all chalkings and promotions, they are intended for on campus groups only.  External groups are prohibited from chalking on Simpson’s campus.  On the map, the areas with a bold red line are the approved locations for chalking.  Please observe the following expectations as well when chalking.


  1. No chalking on brick areas anywhere on campus.
  2. Chalking outside of Smith Chapel will require the approval of the chapel staff prior to chalking.
  3. Chalking anywhere outside of Simpson athletic facilities requires the approval of the athletic department prior to chalking outside of their buildings.
  4. Chalking outside of Blank Performing Arts Center requires the approval the BPAC staff.
  5. Chalking anywhere outside of the Kent Campus Center requires approval from the Student Activities Office
  6. All chalkings should practice good taste, and anything that might be perceived as questionable should be ran by the Student Activities Office prior to chalking.
  7. Painting on sidewalks is prohibited.
  8. Chalking on any other sidewalk around the campus other than those specifically marked on the map is prohibited.

Please contact the Student Activities Office should you have any questions.